Sunday, October 17, 2010


So i have a docs appointment booked for the 2nd November (which is Melbourne Cup a huge racing festival in Australia) and i have a lunch on that day which means i will obviously re schedule my appointment but more so im wondering whether i really need the apointment right now anyways?

I have a certain amount of restriction in the sense that if i dont chew most things i get stuck, no i still havent pb'd which im happy about trust me but i do get restriction in the mornings and i have be very careful with certain foods but i can still eat quite a bit of what i like which is what im enjoying.

I have created personal balance with my band in a sense.... i eat really well during the week, on weekends i lay off and let myself have some treats and i work out 6 times a week now and even sometimes twice a day with my swims so my fitness feels fantastic and im LOVING it... it lets me work my body enough so i sleep at night but i seem to still be able to socialise and do fun things without feeling guilty.

I seem to be loosing with all the exercise and effort im putting in, so DO I NEED THIS DOCTORS APPOINTMENT? Im thinking i should reschedule for Dec or even JAnuary with everything being as good as it is at the moment.


IT costs me $200 for an appointment and i get $113 back on medicare.... but still thats nearly $90 for something i might not need right now.


  1. Ash,
    I'm not quite sure what to say. I feel as though I'm in the same predicament. I have an appointment tomorrow where I will be discussing where I am at. I feel as though I have good restriction but am thinking I can push it just a tiny bit more. But I would hate to have an unfill so early on.
    Will let you know how I go tomorrow and then I should have a better idea on some advice.
    Nik x

  2. Things can change. I think regular appointments are a good idea just to keep in touch. Personally, I'd change it, but try to change it for a time closer, like just a week different or something if you can.

  3. Yep - I would change it but not till the last minute and then just for around the 16th November and then I would see how I was feeling then, these bands are fickle and can change from day to day....

  4. Personaly I would change it but I wouldn't take to long to go in. I'd chose a closer date.

  5. Wow the fills there are expensive! Here I will pay $130 and get $100 back in medicare. Weird how the cost is different in different states.

  6. OH wow, I pay nothing for fills!! I paid $2500 in surgeon fees and that covers the surgery and ALL visits FOREVER after!
