Wednesday, July 14, 2010

Goal and gifts!

Hmmm.... im wondering whether i should set myself a goal and if i reach it i get to spoil myself..... im not sure as to what i could spoil myself with tho!? Any ideas?!

What i consumed today-

9:00am Large skim milk latte

2:00pm 2 cruskits with hummus

4:30pm 2 bites of a pear & one snow pea from my garden

6:30pm 1 cup instant mash with low fat sour cream and low fat cheese as well as a small side of peas

Hmmm so thats its so far.... I think im eating ok i have no idea whats right and wrong.

Im officially scared of solids....i keep sticking with what i know and what i know goes down.... i think its all going to be a slow process.

I love looking at everyone elses blogs who have photos.... i have been horrid and not really let anyone take full length photos of me.... ill have to do a deep search to find some. As for now im going to post a couple of photos with me and some friends.

Im the one with the red lippy if it isnt obvious ahahah.


  1. ohh you are my kind of girl!!
    Love the make up!
    Your friends stretchers are crazy! I don't have the guts to start stretching mine :P
    you are absolutely gorgeous by the way!

  2. Im actually not a total fan of the tunnels but my friend who has them she suits... her crazy punk rocker boyfriend who plays in a crazy rockabilly out there band in melb suits her to a T.
    I have a colourful bunch of friends... you will probably see photos in the future... and hopefully pics of me getting smaller!

    Thanks BTW :)

  3. Rewards? Hmm..... massage, pedi or manicure, facial, clothes, shoes, holiday?

    So many great ways to treat yourself :-)

  4. You are B E A U T I F U L!!!! WOW!!! You should come to Chicago for BOOBS.

  5. I love the way you look - very exotic!

    Goal pressie? Hmm.. I treated myself to an expensive handbag. That always works lol. But you will have many Non-Scale Victories along the way - treat them as mini-goals too. It works. :)
